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ETHANOL PLANTS (As transport charges are extreme for 55 gallon drums, you will want to try to contact these plants directly, of find out who is blending E85 in your area and let them know you are a racer wanting E98.)
- Abengoa Bioenergy Corp. – Colwich KS, York NE, Portales NM, and Ravenna NE
- Absolute Energy, LLC – Lyle, MN. 100 million gallons per year plant, started operations in February 2008.
- Ace Ethanol LLC – Stanley, WI. 40 million gallons per year plant, started operations in June 2002.
- Adkins Energy, LLC – Lena, IL. 42 million gallons per year plant.
- Advanced BioEnergy, LLC (ABE) – Operating plants in Aberdeen SD (46 mgpy, started operations January 2008); Fairmont NE (110 mgpy, started operations in October 2007); Huron SD (Heartland Grain Fuels, currently 32 mpgy, expanding to 65 mpgy). Proposed plants: Indiana Renewable Fuels (in Argos, IN, 110 mgpy); Northfield MN (110 mgpy).
- Ag Processing Inc.(A.G.P) – Hastings, NE
- Agri-Energy, LLC – Luverne, MN
- Al-Corn Clean Fuel – Claremont, MN. 45 million gallons per year.
- Alchem Limited, LLLC – Grafton, ND. 10.5 million gallons per year.
- Amaizing Energy LLC – Denison IA. 40 million gallon per year plant under construction
- Archer Daniels Midland Co. (A.D.M) – Operating plants at Decatur and Peoria, Illinois, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Walhalla, North Dakota
- Arkalon Energy LLC – Liberal, Kansas. 110 million gallons per year of ethanol.
- Aventine Renewable Energy Inc. – Pekin, IL. Producing 100 million gallons per year.
- Badger State Ethanol – Monroe, Wisconsin. Producing 48 million gallons per year of ethanol
- Big River Resources LLC – West Burlington, Iowa. 40 million-gallons-per-year plant started operations in April 2004.
- Cardinal Ethanol – Union City, IN. Plant under construction, to produce 100 million-gallons-per-year of ethanol. Expected to be complete Fall 2008.
- Cargill – Blair, NE.
- Central Iowa Renewable Energy LLC (Corn LP) – Goldfield Iowa. Plant under constuction, to produce 50 million gallons per year of ethanol.
- Central Minnesota Ethanol Cooperative – Little Falls, MN. Producing 20 million gallons per year of fuel ethanol
- Central Wisconsin Alcohol – Plover, Wisconsin. 4 million gallons per year.
- Chief Ethanol Fuels Inc. – Hastings, Nebraska. Producing 62 million gallons per year of fuel ethanol
- Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company – Benson, Minnesota
- Commonwealth Agri-Energy, LLC – Hopkinsville, Kentucky. 23 million gallons per year.
- Corn Plus LLP – Winnebago, Minnesota. Producing 44 million gallons pre year of fuel ethanol
- Dakota Ethanol – Wentworth, South Dakota. Producing 48 million gallons per year of fuel ethanol
- Diversified Energy Co. (DENCO) – Morris, Minnesota. 20 million gallons per year.
- East Kansas Agri-Energy LLC – Garnett, Kansas. 35 million gallons per year.
- ESE Alcohol, Inc. – Leoti, Kansas. 1.5 million gallons per year.
- Ethanol 2000, LLP – Bingham Lake, Minnesota. Producing 30 million gallons per year of fuel ethanol
- Exol – Albert Lea, Minnesota. Producing 40 million gallons per year of fuel ethanol
- Glacial Lakes Energy LLC – Watertown, South Dakota. 40-million-gallon-per-year fuel-ethanol plant started production in 2002.
- Golden Cheese Company – Corona, California. Producing alcohol from whey.
- Golden Grain Energy Inc. – Constructing a 40-million-gallon-per-year plant in Mason City, Iowa.
- Golden Triangle Energy Cooperative Inc. – Constructing a 14-million-gallon per year plant in Craig, Missouri
- Grain Processing Corporation (GPC) – Muscatine, Iowa
- Green Plains Renewable Energy Inc. – Shenandoah, Iowa. Organized to construct and operate a 50-million-gallon, dry-mill, fuel-grade-ethanol plant.
- Iowa Ethanol – Hanlontown, Iowa. 40-million-gallon-per-year plant under construction.
- Little Sioux Corn Processors – Marcus, Iowa. 40-million-gallon-per-year plant started production in April 2003.
- Masada OxyNol LLC – Middletown, New York. Constructing a plant to produce ethanol from municipal solid waste
- MGP Ingredients Inc. – Atchison, Kansas and Pekin, Illinois. (Formerly: Midwest Grain Products)
- Michigan Ethanol LLC – Caro, MI. Producing 40 million gallons per year of ethanol
- MinnErgy LLC – Southeastern Minnesota. Proposed 55 million-gallons-per-year ethanol plant.
- Minnesota’s Ethanol Plants
- Nebraska Energy LLC – Aurora NE. 35 million gallons per year
- Nebraska Ethanol Plants
- Northeast Missouri Grain, LLC – Macon, Missouri. Missouri’s first new-generation fuel-ethanol cooperative.
- Northstar Ethanol LLC – Lake Crystal, Minnesota. Producing 50 million gallons per year of ethanol.
- Otter Creek Ethanol – Ashton, Iowa. Under construction. 45 million gallon per year plant.
- Pacific Ethanol – Madera, California. Under construction. 35 million gallons per year, plus byproducts: 290,000 tons wet distillers grain, 100,000 tons CO2
- Parallel Products – Producing fuel ethanol from food and beverage wastes at Cucamonga, California, Louisville, Kentucky, and Bartow, Florida
- Patriot Renewable Fuels, LLC – Annawan, Illinois. Constucting a 100-million-gallons-per-year fuel-ethanol plant. Production expected August 2008.
- Pine Lake Corn Processors, LLC – Constructing a 20-million-gallons-per-year fuel-ethanol plant near Steamboat Rock, Iowa.
- POET Biorefining, Emmetsburg, Iowa. -“Project LIBERTY” – Currently transforming a strictly grain-to-ethanol plant to include production of ethanol from cellulose or biomass also. When completed, the facility will produce 125 million gallons of ethanol per year.
- POET Biorefining, Lake Crystal, Minnesota. – “Northstar Ethanol LLC” – Producing 50 million gallons per year of ethanol.
- POET Biorefining, North Manchester, Indiana. – 65 million-gallons-per-year fuel-thanol plant.
- Quad County Corn Processors Ethanol Plant – Galva, Iowa.
- SW Energy LLC – McCook, Nebraska. Planning to build a 60-million-gallons-per-year ethanol plant.
- Tall Corn Ethanol Coop. – Coon Rapids, Iowa. 40-million-gallon-per-year plant started production in August 2002.
- Tate & Lyle – Loudon, Tennessee. (formerly A.E. Staley Manufacturing Co.)
- Utica Energy, LLC – Utica, near Oshkosh, Wisconsin. 52-million-gallons-per-year ethanol plant started production in April 2003.
- VeraSun Energy Corporation – Aurora, South Dakota. 100 million gallons per year ethanol.
- Williams Energy Ventures – Fuel ethanol plants at Pekin, Illinois, and Aurora, Nebraska